An investigation of occupauional dermatoses airibng film-developing workers in a film studio
Abstract ( 347) PDF (260 KB) ( 393 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 13
An investigative report on occupational dermatoses among female filature workers
Abstract ( 348) PDF (256 KB) ( 377 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 46
Investigation of occupational dermatoses among workers in Qingdao Butchery
Abstract ( 364) PDF (244 KB) ( 381 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 79
Survey of occupational derrriatoses due toy treated sulfurous iron ore slag
Abstract ( 479) PDF (168 KB) ( 386 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 1011
Skin changes of the ancient female corpse of Khan Tomb at Changsha Mawangdui
Abstract ( 469) PDF (3539 KB) ( 511 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 1218
Therapeutic study inleprosy:Ⅵ. Observation of the therapeutic effect of isobutyl piperazinyl refamycin
Abstract ( 520) PDF (419 KB) ( 379 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 1923
HLA and leprosy:Ⅱ.The association of HLA-DR2 with leproinatous leprosy
Abstract ( 405) PDF (285 KB) ( 381 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 2427
Investigation on the treatment of chronic pyoderma with corynebacterium anaerobicum vaccine
Abstract ( 369) PDF (243 KB) ( 386 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 2830
2 cases of Bouineville-Pringle’s syndrome
Abstract ( 327) PDF (85 KB) ( 380 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 3030
Detemination of serum vitainin A level by fluorescent spectrometry in 163 cases of derinatoses and its aignificance
Abstract ( 431) PDF (242 KB) ( 393 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 3133
Hemorrheologic studies in cutaneous vasculitis
Abstract ( 381) PDF (248 KB) ( 388 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 3436
The preparation of epidermal chalone in laboratory and its preliminary application in treating psoriasis
Abstract ( 403) PDF (221 KB) ( 383 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 3739
Treatment of skin cancer with liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
Abstract ( 415) PDF (149 KB) ( 383 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 3940
Atopic dermatitis treateda with metthylphenidate
Abstract ( 431) PDF (158 KB) ( 378 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4041
Clinical observation on the treatment of psoriasis and other dermatoses with mixture of Tripterygium Hypoglaucum(Levl.) Hutch
Abstract ( 528) PDF (75 KB) ( 383 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4242
Mango dermatitis:An analysis of 90 cases
Abstract ( 266) PDF (144 KB) ( 371 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4243
Peutz-Jeghers’ syndrome:Report of 11 cases
Abstract ( 436) PDF (228 KB) ( 440 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4345
22 cases of porokeratosis of Mibelli
Abstract ( 329) PDF (63 KB) ( 380 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4545
2 cases of pachydermoperiostosis
Abstract ( 329) PDF (185 KB) ( 400 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4647
A case of poisining due to over-dose of Tripterygium Willfordii syrup
Abstract ( 368) PDF (169 KB) ( 392 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4849
2 cases of anemia due to thiamphenical
Abstract ( 373) PDF (172 KB) ( 391 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 4950
Blooms’s syndrome:Report of a case
Abstract ( 988) PDF (262 KB) ( 395 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5052
A case of the chronic melanodermatitis occurred in battery-charging workers
Abstract ( 441) PDF (156 KB) ( 382 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5253
A case of cutaneous malignant histiocytosis
Abstract ( 349) PDF (161 KB) ( 380 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5354
A case of epdermolysis bullosa with exceedingly painful mucosal lesions in the urinary bladder
Abstract ( 403) PDF (79 KB) ( 387 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5555
Intra-lesional injection of bleomycin in the treatment of vitiligo
Abstract ( 386) PDF (172 KB) ( 400 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5657
Local injection of 2% benzgl alcohol solution in the treatment of neurodermatitis
Abstract ( 419) PDF (89 KB) ( 387 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5757
Preliminary experience in treating 206 cases of some dermatoses with liquid air cryotherapy
Abstract ( 246) PDF (166 KB) ( 383 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5758
Intra-lesional injection of hydrocortisonum acetas in treating inflammatory nodules in scabies
Abstract ( 401) PDF (79 KB) ( 385 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5858
Chronic urticaria treated by acupuncture at the pulmonary point of ear:Results in 34 cases
Abstract ( 324) PDF (79 KB) ( 384 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 5858
A brief introduction of the Ⅹ Ⅵ International Congress of Dermatology
Abstract ( 281) PDF (284 KB) ( 380 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 6466
Abstract of a lecture given by Prof A.B.Ackerman, President of The International Society of Dermatopathology
Abstract ( 336) PDF (178 KB) ( 386 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 6667
“Practical Dermatology”, introduction and cxitique
Abstract ( 336) PDF (181 KB) ( 389 )
1983, Vol.16(1): 6768