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  • Current issue

Study on the T cell subsets in the peripheral blood of patients with Behcet’s disease

Feng Yongshan

Abstract ( 445) PDF (2200 KB) ( 243 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 315–317

Eapcrimental model of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

Qian Xuchun

Abstract ( 561) PDF (2188 KB) ( 325 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 318–320

Unstable psoriasis

Bai Qixian

Abstract ( 665) PDF (2752 KB) ( 365 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 321–324

Investigation of heritability of psoriasis and its clustering in the family

Guo Yonglu

Abstract ( 550) PDF (2017 KB) ( 231 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 325–326

Determinations of myoglobin in sera of patients with dermatomyositis

Xu Deqing

Abstract ( 508) PDF (2703 KB) ( 256 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 327–329

Clinical and laboratory observation on effects of cyclopiroxolamine on dermatomycoses

Zheng Yuechen

Abstract ( 480) PDF (3087 KB) ( 243 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 330–332

Observation on ultrastructure of Sporothrix schenckii

Wang Jianhua

Abstract ( 385) PDF (1544 KB) ( 272 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 333–334

Susceptibility tests of 5-FC, Amphotericin B, Alliticum and some traditional herbal medicine against Aspergillus fumigatus

Tang Zheng

Abstract ( 467) PDF (1384 KB) ( 239 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 335–336

First case of cutaneous obacteriosis scrofulacenm in China

Kong Qingying

Abstract ( 497) PDF (2077 KB) ( 258 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 337–338,336

Clinical evaluation of direct immunofluorescent examination in the diagnosis of 122 cases dermatoses

Shun Guowen

Abstract ( 429) PDF (1387 KB) ( 228 )

1986, Vol.19(6): 339–340