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  • Current issue

Study on ATP ase Langerhans cell staining technique for light and electron microscopy

Xie Yong

Abstract ( 353) PDF (2270 KB) ( 242 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 321–323

Detertion of serum anti-nDNA antibody using ELISA

Qiang Nengxian

Abstract ( 515) PDF (2906 KB) ( 263 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 324–327

Epidemiological investigation of tinesa pedis in coal miners

Wu Shaoxi

Abstract ( 584) PDF (2867 KB) ( 268 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 328–331

Epidemiological survey of vitiligo in Nanjing

Li Fengqi

Abstract ( 400) PDF (2274 KB) ( 259 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 332–334

Mycostatic test of oxiconazole and its therapeutic effect

Shao Jingzheng

Abstract ( 490) PDF (1449 KB) ( 245 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 335–336

Serum nucleic acid concentration in patients with psoriasis

Tan Shengshun

Abstract ( 464) PDF (2192 KB) ( 236 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 337–339

Determination of serum levels of DNA in patients with lupus erythematosus

Xu Deqing

Abstract ( 400) PDF (2250 KB) ( 250 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 340–342

Subungual melanoma

Yang Jingchun

Abstract ( 622) PDF (2265 KB) ( 235 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 343–345

Fluorescence of melanoma cells and its use in differential diagnosis

Li Chunguang

Abstract ( 384) PDF (1457 KB) ( 241 )

1987, Vol.20(6): 346–347