Molecular heterogeneity of bullous pernhhigoid antigens
Abstract ( 536) PDF (1644 KB) ( 354 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 291293
Clinical study and porphyrins analysis on 16 patients with porphyria cutanea tarda(PGT)
Abstract ( 503) PDF (1619 KB) ( 377 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 294296
Study of the relationship between staphylococcus aureus and eczema
Abstract ( 661) PDF (1488 KB) ( 353 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 297299
Study of effect of psoriatic PMN on prolifcration of epidcrmai cells
Abstract ( 536) PDF (1914 KB) ( 362 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 300302
PGE2 and PEF2α levels in the skin of psoriatic patients and their cliniical significance
Abstract ( 538) PDF (1195 KB) ( 358 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 303304
Effect of 7, 12-dimethylbcuzanthracene on Thy-1 positive deaidritic epidermal cells, Langerhans cells and their relationship to tumor formation
Abstract ( 478) PDF (1511 KB) ( 360 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 305307
Antibodies against basal keratinocytes and basememt membrane zone of the periheral lymphocyte membrane in psoriaaic patients
Abstract ( 492) PDF (1580 KB) ( 386 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 308310
Rapid diagnosis of cryptococcal aneningitis with ABC-ELISA
Abstract ( 595) PDF (2001 KB) ( 388 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 311313
Application of parameters of exponential function model to evaluate the decrcasing amplitude of leprosy prevalence
Abstract ( 495) PDF (1203 KB) ( 358 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 314315
Immunoregulatory of effects of monomer T4 from tripterygium Wilfordii Hook Ⅱ. The effect of T4 on NK activity of mouse splenocytes
Abstract ( 462) PDF (1588 KB) ( 357 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 316318
The effect of artesunatc ana thalidomide on photoallergy
Abstract ( 444) PDF (1625 KB) ( 360 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 319321
The effect on palanoplantar sweating of mice with tapwater middle-frequency (MUIIG) iontophoresis unidirection;zl intermittent impulse current
Abstract ( 575) PDF (1947 KB) ( 358 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 322324
Natural kilter cell activity and immunoregulatory effect of in effect of interleukin 2 in atopic dermatiris
Abstract ( 503) PDF (1570 KB) ( 358 )
1990, Vol.23(5): 325327