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  • Current issue

Typing of Neissetia gonorrhoeae with a simplified auxotyping medium and results of investigation of 72 gonococcal strains

YE Shun-Zhang, WANG Qian-Qiu

Abstract ( 829) PDF (1563 KB) ( 341 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 139–141

Rapid and simple detection of ureaplasma urealyticum by Dot-immunobinding assay

YAN Guo-Fu, ZHANG Guo-Wei

Abstract ( 612) PDF (1520 KB) ( 341 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 142–144

Extractson and analysis of plasmid in penicillinase-producing Neisseria gooorrnoeae

ZHOU Ying, YE Shun-Zhang

Abstract ( 789) PDF (1417 KB) ( 352 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 145–146

Study on CMV infection on patients with syphilis

XIONG Chao-Dong, HUANG Li-Hua

Abstract ( 982) PDF (1843 KB) ( 357 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 147–149

Detection of HIV antigen in patients wish herpetic genitalis

CHEN Yong-Feng, ZHAGN Mu-You

Abstract ( 847) PDF (1120 KB) ( 349 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 150–151

Clinical application of patch testing of 400 patients

ZHU Xue-Jun, LIU Ling-Ling

Abstract ( 1036) PDF (1773 KB) ( 348 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 152–155

Anti-FcεRⅡ/CD23 reactivity on Langerhans cells in atopic dermatitis skin lesions

WANG Bing-He, Rieger A

Abstract ( 948) PDF (1819 KB) ( 344 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 156–158

Detectian of PGL-I antigen froth M. Leprae by modified Dot-ELISA

CAO Yuan-Hua

Abstract ( 717) PDF (1824 KB) ( 395 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 159–162

Cxtramammary Paget’s disease with metastasis to viscera:A case report

ZHAO De-Ming, WANG Pin

Abstract ( 615) PDF (1464 KB) ( 348 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 163–164

Studies on the histogenesis of extramammary Paget’s dise ase

LI Ning, GUO Ying-Nian

Abstract ( 535) PDF (1445 KB) ( 348 )

1993, Vol.26(3): 165–167