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  • Current issue

Treatment of Cutaneous Hemangioma with Low Dose Superficial X-ray

Chang Baozhu, Gu Heng, Qian Henglin

Abstract ( 828) PDF (290 KB) ( 354 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 281–283

Desmoplastic Malignant Melanoma

Fan Qinhe, Allen PW

Abstract ( 932) PDF (373 KB) ( 354 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 284–286

Determination and Validity of the Sun-reactive Skin Type

Liao Kanghuang, Yan Chunlin, Wang Yi

Abstract ( 1750) PDF (285 KB) ( 416 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 287–289

Study of Fibrinolytic Activity in BXSB Mice with Lupus Nephritis

Han Chunlei, Jiang Xueyi, Yang Xueli

Abstract ( 862) PDF (2354 KB) ( 343 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 290–292

Clinical Study and Patch Testing of Contact Dermatitis Caused by Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials

Li Linfeng, Wang Jing, Li Shiyin

Abstract ( 775) PDF (297 KB) ( 339 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 293–295

Isolaton and Purification of Epidermal Langerhans Cells from Guinea-pig with Percoll Density Gradient Centrifugation Technique

Zheng Maorong, Fan Qingyuan, Xie Yong

Abstract ( 858) PDF (2224 KB) ( 341 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 296–298

Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA from the Skin Lesion of Sarcoidosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction

Li Ning, Tu Ping, Ma Shengqing

Abstract ( 801) PDF (202 KB) ( 344 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 299–300

Activity of Home-made Ofloxacin Against M.leprae in Mice and its Clinical Trial in Multibacillary Leprosy

Wu Tieqiang, Li Wenzhong, Shen Jianping

Abstract ( 729) PDF (2235 KB) ( 336 )

1995, Vol.28(5): 301–303