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  • Current issue

Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Chaetomium Globosum: First Case Report in China

Wang Jiajun, Zhang Qiangqiang, Li Li

Abstract ( 907) PDF (195 KB) ( 328 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 273–275

Isolation of Pityrosporum ovale from a Patient with Onychomycosis: Clinical and Laboratory Investigation

Ran Yuping, Zhou Guangping, Li Wei

Abstract ( 963) PDF (788 KB) ( 354 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 276–279

Laboratory Observation and Analysis of 287 Strains of Fungi in Patients with Chromoblastomycosis

Dai Wenli, Chen Ruie, Ren Zhongfen

Abstract ( 729) PDF (395 KB) ( 310 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 280–281

Experimental and Clinical Study on Detection of Medically Important Fungi by PCR with A Universal Fungus-specific Primer System

Zhang Hong, Wu Shaoxi, Guo Ningru

Abstract ( 739) PDF (697 KB) ( 470 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 282–284

Isolation and Purification of Adhesin of Candida Albicans and its Effect on Adherence to Host Cells

Liu Xiaohong, Liao Wangqing, Hu Huiming

Abstract ( 930) PDF (561 KB) ( 400 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 285–287

Classification and Analogous Analysis of Candida Strains Isolated from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

Qin Zhenyu, Yao Congjun, Tan ShengshunI

Abstract ( 990) PDF (157 KB) ( 339 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 288–290

Effect of Drugs and Chemical Agents on Cell Surface Hydrophobicity and Adhesion of Cryptococcus neoformans

Hou Youhong, Guo Ningru, Wu Shaoxi

Abstract ( 742) PDF (239 KB) ( 308 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 291–294

Typing of Cryptococcus neoformans by Random Amplification of DNA Fingerprinting

Wen Hai, Liao Wanqing, Yao Zhirong

Abstract ( 796) PDF (187 KB) ( 297 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 295–297

Isolation of Sporothrix from Reed and Soil

Jin Xuezhu, Li Fuqiu, Zhu Mingji

Abstract ( 808) PDF (118 KB) ( 313 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 298–299

Potassium Iodide in the Prevention of Sporotrichosis in Experimental Animal

Jiang Lanxiang, Duan Zhengfang, Zhang Minfu

Abstract ( 734) PDF (472 KB) ( 329 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 300–301

Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis in Urine from Asymptomatic Males of STD High Risk Population

Xie Lihao, Cheng Wenhai, Huang Shujie

Abstract ( 1075) PDF (536 KB) ( 358 )

1998, Vol.31(5): 302–303