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  • Current issue

Keratodermsa tylodes paimxris progressiva:Report of 62 cases

WANG Xia-Sheng, DU Rong-Chang

Abstract ( 630) PDF (1558 KB) ( 267 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 75–77

Study of calmodulin in dispersed psoriatic basal cells

ZHOU Jing, WANG Guang-Chao

Abstract ( 425) PDF (1520 KB) ( 264 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 78–80

Study of irnmanohistochenucal phenotype of the infiltrates in systemic lupus erythematosus

WU Nan-Yan, GU Shao-Qiu

Abstract ( 377) PDF (1522 KB) ( 263 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 81–83

Determination of collagenase, elastase activities and fibronectin concentrations in the blister fluids from vesicvlobnllous diseases

CAO Shuang-Lin, ZHANG Zhen-Kai

Abstract ( 465) PDF (1957 KB) ( 264 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 84–86

Cause of chilblain:88 cases investigation

LIU Xun-Quan, JIN Pei-Ying

Abstract ( 421) PDF (1157 KB) ( 262 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 87–88

Experimental study on detection of antigenernia in Gandida infection by ELISA

CHENG Liang-Jin, YE Qing-Yi

Abstract ( 448) PDF (1566 KB) ( 264 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 89–91

Effect of chronic ultraviolet irradiation of Langerhan’s cell density in guinea pig epidermis

FANG Jia-Lin, LI Guang-Zhong

Abstract ( 533) PDF (1130 KB) ( 271 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 92–93

Sex difference in the densities of Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells of the mouse

ZENG Li, CHEN Hong-Duo

Abstract ( 432) PDF (1132 KB) ( 260 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 94–95

Psoriasiform histopathoiogic changes induced by application of propranolol to the skin of guinea pig’s ear


Abstract ( 525) PDF (1144 KB) ( 264 )

1991, Vol.24(2): 96–97