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Tinea Cruris Type Candidiasie Caused by Candida Zeylanoides

LIAO Wan-Qing, LI Zhi-Gang

Abstract ( 710) PDF (1849 KB) ( 330 )

1992, Vol.25(5): 291–293

c-erbB-2 Oncoprotein Expression in Mammerry and Extramammary Paget’s Diseases

WU Caio-Feng, YE Feng

Abstract ( 623) PDF (1868 KB) ( 270 )

1992, Vol.25(5): 294–296

Comparison of Peflosacia, Oflosacin and Rifanmpin Against M.leprae in Normal mice

SHEN Jian-Ping, LI Wen-Zhong

Abstract ( 535) PDF (1789 KB) ( 283 )

1992, Vol.25(5): 297–299

Analysis of Serum Antibodies in Patients with Leprosy and Leprosy Contacts by ELISA and MLPA

SUN Xian-Guang, CHU Gui-Zhi

Abstract ( 800) PDF (2179 KB) ( 268 )

1992, Vol.25(5): 300–303

Biosynthesis of Platelet Activating Factor by Human Skin Keratinocytes in Vitro

LIU Bao-Jun, ZHENG Mao-Rong

Abstract ( 506) PDF (1843 KB) ( 268 )

1992, Vol.25(5): 304–306

Antibacterial Activity of 48 Traditional Chinese Drugs on Propionibacterinm acne


Abstract ( 1628) PDF (1495 KB) ( 375 )

1992, Vol.25(5): 307–308