中华皮肤科杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (4): 353-356.doi: 10.35541/cjd.20220704

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靳慧1,2    陆前进1,2   

  1. 1中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院皮肤病医院,南京  210042;2中国医学科学院免疫性皮肤病基础与转化研究重点实验室,南京  210042
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-10 修回日期:2023-02-02 发布日期:2023-03-31
  • 通讯作者: 陆前进 E-mail:qianlu5860@pumcderm.cams.cn

Exploring the application of inquiry-based defensive teaching based on the internet and clinical resources during probationary teaching of dermatovenereology

Jin Hui1,2, Lu Qianjin1,2   

  1. 1Hospital of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Nanjing 210042, China; 2Key Laboratory of Basic and Translational Research for Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Nanjing 210042, China
  • Received:2022-10-10 Revised:2023-02-02 Published:2023-03-31
  • Contact: Lu Qianjin E-mail:qianlu5860@pumcderm.cams.cn

摘要: 【摘要】 皮肤性病学作为一门病种繁多、病因复杂、形态学强的临床必修课,其见习教学面临诸多挑战。在互联网教育资源丰富的今天,结合大医院丰富的临床资源,改变以教师为主导的讲授或示范等传统见习教学方法,采用探究答辩式教学模式较传统教学模式有较明显优势。探究答辩式教学是见习带教老师根据见习主题抛出系列临床问题,然后通过转发网络教学视频变课堂讲授为学生课下学习,诱导学生主动探索,鼓励学生分组协作挖掘本院临床资源并制作答辩PPT演示文稿和组织答辩。这种模式将以教师为主导的传统见习课堂变为以学生为主导、教师辅助的充满思辨的答辩会,进而提高学习效率和质量,促进学生核心素养和综合能力的培养。本教学模式的主要应用目标群体为本科生,研究生和规培医生等的教学也可参考本模式进行教学组织和考核模式优化。

关键词: 教学形式, 学生, 医科, 皮肤病学, 基于问题的学习, 教学改革

Abstract: 【Abstract】 As a clinical compulsory course, dermatovenereology is characterized by various diseases, complex etiology, and distinct morphological characteristics, and its teaching during the probation period is faced with many challenges. Based on today′s rich educational resources on the internet, and combined with rich clinical resources in large hospitals, the traditional teacher-led lecturing during the probation period needs to be changed, and the adoption of inquiry-based defensive teaching mode has obvious advantages over the traditional teacher-led teaching mode. In the inquiry-based defensive teaching mode, clinical teachers design a series of clinical questions based on clinical topics, then introduce network teaching videos to students to change classroom teaching into students′ after-class learning, induce students to actively explore issues, encourage them to work together in groups to excavate clinical resources, make presentations and organize defense. This teaching mode turns the traditional teacher-led probationary class into a student-led and teacher-assisted speculative defense session, thereby improving learning efficiency and quality, and promoting the cultivation of students′ core literacy and comprehensive ability. Undergraduates are the main target group of this teaching mode, and this mode can also be adopted in the teaching of postgraduates and resident doctors in the standardized training program for the organization of teaching activities and optimization of assessment modes.

Key words: Teaching form, Students, medical, Dermatology, Problem-based learning, Reform in education


靳慧 陆前进. 结合互联网及临床资源的探究答辩式教学在皮肤性病学见习教学中的应用思考[J]. 中华皮肤科杂志, 2023,56(4):353-356. doi:10.35541/cjd.20220704

Jin Hui, Lu Qianjin, . Exploring the application of inquiry-based defensive teaching based on the internet and clinical resources during probationary teaching of dermatovenereology[J]. Chinese Journal of Dermatology, 2023, 56(4): 353-356.doi:10.35541/cjd.20220704