中华皮肤科杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (4): 325-329.doi: 10.35541/cjd.20220128

• 研究报道 • 上一篇    下一篇


洪芷榆    谢红付    李吉    黄莹雪   

  1. 中南大学湘雅医院皮肤科,长沙  410008
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-01 修回日期:2022-10-08 发布日期:2023-03-31
  • 通讯作者: 黄莹雪 E-mail:huangyingxue1987@163.com

Analysis of willingness-to-pay for the treatment of acute facial inflammatory dermatoses with red and yellow light from light-emitting diodes

Hong Zhiyu, Xie Hongfu, Li Ji, Huang Yingxue   

  1. Department of Dermatology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China
  • Received:2022-03-01 Revised:2022-10-08 Published:2023-03-31
  • Contact: Huang Yingxue E-mail:huangyingxue1987@163.com

摘要: 【摘要】 目的 分析人们对以发光二极管(LED)为光源的红黄光治疗急性发作期面部炎症性皮肤病的支付意愿,评估经济成本效益。方法 2019年8月至2020年6月于湘雅医院皮肤科门诊进行问卷调查,调查对象包括患或不患以红斑及肿胀为表现的急性发作期面部炎症性皮肤病的人群,评估患者对LED红黄光治疗不同严重程度急性发作期面部炎症性皮肤病的支付意愿、面部皮肤病患病情况、既往就诊情况及生活质量,计算该治疗的成本收益情况,并通过Logistic回归分析评估人们对该治疗支付意愿的影响因素。结果 受试者针对3种分别假设需接受1次、3次、5次LED治疗的严重程度递增的急性发作期面部炎症性皮肤病示例愿意支付金额的中位数分别为200元、300元和300元,示例2、示例3高于LED治疗1次的成本价217元。家庭收入高者(≥ 10万元/年)愿意支付比例显著高于家庭收入低者(< 10万元/年)(病例1:40.46%比27.50%,χ2 = 7.00,P = 0.008;病例2:60.69%比44.5%,χ2 = 9.75,P = 0.002;病例3:51.20%比48.8%,χ2 = 6.54,P = 0.011),未曾患病人群的愿意支付比例显著高于曾患病人群(病例1:35.49%比28.82%,χ2 = 1.56,P = 0.212;病例2:56.10%比42.34%,χ2 = 5.92,P = 0.015;病例3:68.32%比56.75%,χ2 = 4.58,P = 0.032)。支付意愿金额在不同疾病种类、生活质量受损程度及既往就诊情况受试者之间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论 LED红黄光治疗以红斑及肿胀为表现的急性发作期面部炎症性皮肤病的费用在人群中接受度高,值得推广。

关键词: LED红黄光治疗, 支付意愿, 面部皮炎, 成本效益分析。

Abstract: 【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for the treatment of acute facial dermatitis with red and yellow light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and to evaluate their cost-effectiveness. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on outpatients with or without acute facial dermatitis, which mainly manifested as erythema and swelling, in Department of Dermatology, Xiangya Hospital from August 2019 to June 2020. The WTP for the treatment of acute facial dermatitis of varying severity with red and yellow light from LEDs were investigated, clinical data on the prevalence of facial skin diseases, previous medical visits and quality of life were collected, and a benefit-cost analysis was conducted. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate factors influencing the patients′ WTP for the LED treatment. Results The median WTP of the subjects were 200, 300 and 300 RMB yuan for the treatment of three cases of acute facial dermatitis of increasing severity assumed to require 1-, 3-, and 5-session LED treatments respectively, and the WTP for the treatment of case 2 and case 3 was higher than the cost of 1-session LED treatment (217 RMB yuan). The subjects with high family incomes (≥ 100 000 RMB yuan/year) were significantly more willing to pay for the treatment than those with low family incomes (< 100 000 RMB yuan/year) (case 1: 40.46% vs. 27.50%, χ2 = 7.00, P = 0.008; case 2: 60.69% vs. 44.5%, χ2 = 9.75, P = 0.002; case 3: 51.20% vs. 48.8%, χ2 = 6.54, P = 0.011), and the subjects who never suffered from facial dermatitis were significantly more willing to pay for the treatment than those who ever suffered (case 1: 35.49% vs. 28.82%, χ2 = 1.56, P = 0.212; case 2: 56.10% vs. 42.34%, χ2 = 5.92, P = 0.015; case 3: 68.32% vs. 56.75%, χ2 = 4.58, P = 0.032). No significant difference in the WTP was observed among patients with different facial dermatoses, different degrees of impairment on quality of life, or different treatment experience(all P>0.05). Conclusion The cost of red and yellow light irradiation from LEDs for the treatment of acute facial dermatitis manifesting as erythema and swelling was highly acceptable in this population, and it is worthy of clinical promotion.

Key words: red and yellow LED, willingness to pay, facial dermatitis, cost-benefit analysis.


洪芷榆 谢红付 李吉 黄莹雪. 发光二极管红黄光治疗急性发作期面部炎症性皮肤病的支付意愿分析[J]. 中华皮肤科杂志, 2023,56(4):325-329. doi:10.35541/cjd.20220128

Hong Zhiyu, Xie Hongfu, Li Ji, Huang Yingxue. Analysis of willingness-to-pay for the treatment of acute facial inflammatory dermatoses with red and yellow light from light-emitting diodes[J]. Chinese Journal of Dermatology, 2023, 56(4): 325-329.doi:10.35541/cjd.20220128