林羽洁, 刘凤洁, 高玉梅, 刘向君, 许卜方, 李映依, 赖盼, 陈卓婧, 孙婧茹, 涂平, 汪旸
Significance of lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6 in the large-cell transformation of mycosis fungoides and its effect on the proliferation and apoptosis of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma cells
Lin Yuchieh, Liu Fengjie, Gao Yumei, Liu Xiangjun, Xu Bufang, Li Yingyi, Lai Pan, Chen Zhuojing, Sun Jingru, Tu Ping, Wang Yang
中华皮肤科杂志 . 2022, (2): 102 -109 .  DOI: 10.35541/cjd.20210363